System Coefficients : Snow & Ice

This is the appearance of the Snow & Ice tab of the System Coefficients dialog:


Following is a description of the parameters associated with Snow & Ice. Refer to the main System Coefficients page for information on other categories of coefficients. To save the changes made when closing this dialog, click OK. To ignore changes, click Cancel.

Snow Formation Temperature is the temperature at which snow forms. (0 – 3 degrees C)
Snow Melting Temperature is the temperature at which snow melts. (normally 0 degrees C)
Open Area Melting Rate is the rate at which snow melts in that fraction of each land use which is Open In Winter. (0.05 – 0.10 cm water melted / degree C above Snow Melting Temperature / day)
Forested Area Melting Rate is the rate at which snow melts in that fraction of each land use which is not Open In Winter. (0.05 – 0.10 cm water melted / degree C above Snow Melting Temperature / day)
Rain Induced Melting Rate is the rate at which snow melts as a result of rainfall. (0.0039 cm water melted / cm rainfall / degree C)
Snow Field Capacity is the moisture field capacity of the snowpack (> 0, %)
Solute Fraction in Ice is the fraction of solute retained in ice (normally 0.1, unitless)
Snowmelt Leaching is the snowmelt leaching coefficient (0.0 – 4.0)
Snow Nitrification is the nitrification rate in the snowpack (>= 0, 1/day)
Open Area Sublimation is the open area snow sublimation rate (normally 0.005 cm/day)
Forested Area Sublimation is the forested area snow sublimation rate (normally 0.005 cm/day)