5. Management Alternatives

Step 5 of the consensus process provides a mechanism to evaluate the effects of different management alternatives on water quality. The first thing is to assign a scenario name for the proposed management alternative. To create a scenario name, select Scenario in the menu bar and then Manager. Click Copy and type in a name. At this point, the new scenario will contain the same model coefficients, point, and nonpoint loading data as the currently active scenario. With the new scenario selected, click on Open. Click the down arrow next to the Scenario box and select the new scenario name from the list.

To define the condition for the new scenario, click the down arrow next to the Edit button. WARMF will show a list of point sources, nonpoint sources, atmospheric deposition, and diversions where control measures can be proposed. WARMF allows a management alternative to include a combination of controls.  The user can specify the proposed reduction factors (or multipliers) for the pollution load or flow diversion.

This is quick way to evaluate the impact of a global change in pollution load or flow diversion.