Edit Menu : Import Delimited

Edit / Import Delimited This function accessed from within the Data Module is used to replace and/or expand existing data files. Upon activation of this function, the user is prompted to supply the name of a comma delimited or text file and following dialog appears:


Any number of lines at the top of the file can be ignored. Then the specified number of header lines will be read from the file and used to generate the following dialog used to link the columns of data in the imported file to data files and columns within WARMF.


Imported files can be linked to WARMF meteorology, managed flow, or point source files. For each file, select the data type, data file, and data column which corresponds to the column of the imported file header shown at the left side of the dialog.

If the imported data is meant to replace the existing time series data, leave the file name suffix at the bottom of the dialog blank. The existing data in the files would then be replaced.

To create an alternate set of data files, enter a file name suffix. The existing files would then be copied with the new file names including the specified suffix before the file extension. The active scenario would then be modified to refer to the modified files instead of the originals. The linkages between the import file and the WARMF data files are stored in a file called delimited.inp so that the settings used are stored and used the next time this function is activated to save time when doing repeated importing.

See also…

Edit / Import HEC-DSS