River Coefficients : CE-QUAL-W2

Following is the appearance of the CE-QUAL-W2 tab of the River Coefficients dialog:


Following is a description of the parameters associated with CE-QUAL-W2. Refer to the main River Coefficients page for information on other categories of coefficients. To save the changes made when closing this dialog, click OK. To ignore changes, click Cancel.

Check Write Output Files for CE-QUAL-W2 Input if simulated output from this river segment is to be used as input to a reservoir being run with the CE-QUAL-W2 model. If this option is turned on, click each Select button to choose the flow, temperature, and concentration file names for the CE-QUAL-W2 branch inflow or tributary inflow.

When the Apply Changes To Selected Rivers button is checked, changes made to the coefficients of the river being edited will be made to all selected rivers. When the Apply Changes To All Rivers button is checked, changes made to the coefficients of the river being edited will be made to all rivers.

See also…

Catchment CE-QUAL-W2 Coefficients
CE-QUAL-W2 Coefficients