Reservoir Coefficients : Outlets

This is the appearance of the Outlets tab of the Reservoir Coefficients dialog:


Following is a description of the parameters associated with Outlets. Refer to the main Reservoir Coefficients page for information on other categories of coefficients. To save the changes made when closing this dialog, click OK. To ignore changes, click Cancel.

With the single segment model selected, the outlets spreadsheet contains information about the spillway and controlled outlets of the lake or reservoir. The type of connection between segments is shown for any upstream segment when multiple segment simulation is selected. The first row must contain information about the spillway. Controlled outlets such as turbine release, prescribed spill or diversions can be added to the spreadsheet by using Ctrl+Ins. Ctrl+Del deletes an outlet. The second column of the spreadsheet has the elevation of the outlet (m above MSL). The third column contains the width of the outlet (>0 m). The fourth column value gives four choices: release, diversion, submerged weir, and follow inflow. “Release” means that the outlet discharges to the river downstream of the dam and “Diversion” means that the outlet’s discharge is diverted away. The latter two types specify how flow is transferred from an upstream segment in a reservoir simulated with multiple segments. “Submerged Weir” represents a submerged weir between segments. Specify the elevation of the weir. For “Follow Inflow”, flow between segments follows the same pattern as inflow into the upstream segment. To change values, click with the left mouse button in a cell and change the value.

Outflow File: indicates the name of the outflow data file for the reservoir regardless of whether single or multiple segment simulation is selected. Outflow data must be provided for all controlled outlets (excluding the spillway). The data is provided in a text file with a .FLO extension (above, James2.flo). To select an outflow file, press the Select button to the right of Outflow File:.
Use Release Adjustment Method: if method is checked, instead of simulating reservoir elevation based on outflow, WARMF will use observed elevation data to calculate the appropriate release for each day. An adjustment will be made to the specified release in order to match observed elevations. The adjustment is reported in constituent output as Flow Adjust (> 0 released less water, < 0 released more water). This applies to either single segment or multiple segment simulation.

When the Apply Changes To Selected button is checked, changes made to the coefficients of the reservoir segment being edited will be made to all selected reservoir segments. When the Apply Changes To All button is checked, changes made to the coefficients of the reservoir segment being edited will be made to all reservoir segments.