Following is the appearance of the Physical Data tab of the Reservoir Coefficients dialog:
Following is a description of the parameters associated with Physical Data.
The name can be changed by clicking in the box next to Name and entering the new name. The reservoir segment’s internal ID number is shown next to Reservoir ID:, but it can not be changed.
Initial Water Surface Elevation is the surface elevation of the reservoir at the beginning of the simulation. (m above mean sea level)
Minimum Surface Elevation is the lowest of all stage data for the reservoir. It is for reference only: it can not be changed. (m above mean sea level)
Maximum Surface Elevation is the highest of all stage data for the reservoir. It is for reference only: it can not be changed. (m above mean sea level)
Simulate Reservoir as: gives the option to simulate the reservoir as a single segment or as multiple segments. Segment specific stage-area curves are required to simulate as multiple segments.
When the Apply Changes To Selected button is checked, changes made to the coefficients of the reservoir segment being edited will be made to all selected reservoir segments. When the Apply Changes To All button is checked, changes made to the coefficients of the reservoir segment being edited will be made to all reservoir segments. To save the changes made when closing this dialog, click OK. To ignore changes, click Cancel.