Reservoir Coefficients : Adsorption

Following is the appearance of the Adsorption tab of the Reservoir Coefficients dialog:

Following is a description of the parameters associated with Adsorption. Refer to the main Reservoir Coefficients page for information on other categories of coefficients. To save the changes made when closing this dialog, click OK. To ignore changes, click Cancel.

Adsorption of each chemical simulated by WARMF is controlled using adsorption isotherms. Click the mouse inside the spreadsheet and enter the reservoir water column and bed sediment adsorption isotherm for each parameter (>=0 L/kg).

The adsorption isotherms apply to all reservoir segments within a single reservoir. It is recommended that adsorption isotherms be uniform within regions of the watershed or uniform throughout the entire watershed.

When the Apply Changes To Selected button is checked, changes made to the coefficients of the reservoir segment being edited will be made to all selected reservoir segments. When the Apply Changes To All button is checked, changes made to the coefficients of the reservoir segment being edited will be made to all reservoir segments.

See also…

Soil Adsorption Coefficients
River Adsorption Coefficients